
A layman's guide to archetypes in World Mythology. A layman who has terrible spelling.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I totally need a better title for this post, but it gets the point across.

Each month will be a post about some aspect of a universal theme from cultures around the world. Some of the topics to be covered in the following months will be the origin of storytelling, how death came into the world, winter holidays, the flood myth, and different categories of gods and goddesses (such as gods of the sun, gods of fertility, creator gods, divine couples, the dying god etc.)

PURPOSE OF BLOG: To give me a forum to write humorous essays on archetypes in mythology without needing to submit it for a grade. Because I'm not in school anymore. I just do this for fun. Clearly I need to get out more.

MY QUALIFICATIONS: I like mythology and I read a lot. Yup, that's pretty much it. Oh yeah, and I have a BA in University Studies with a dual emphasis in Cinema and Anthropology and an accidental minor in Classical Civilizations. Which doesn't really qualify me to make intelligent observations on the universal archetypes prevalent in world mythology, but I can throw out big words and do a little's something, right?

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog! :D (Though I didn't even know it existed until you posted the logo on deviantART!)
